Enhanced deterministic performance of panels using stochastic variations of geometry and material

Sander van den Broek, Sergio Minera, Alberto Pirrera, Paul M. Weaver, Eelco Jansen, Raimund Rolfes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The effect of stochastic variation in material and geometric properties on structural performance is important for robust design. Knowledge of such effects can be acquired by applying variation patterns to a structure using random fields through a Monte Carlo analysis. The output is postprocessed to show the correlation pattern between the stochastic variation of a structural property and a chosen mechanical response measure. The resulting patterns are used to identify areas most susceptible to variations, as well as areas that have the most potential to increase structural performance by varying the material parameter or geometry. By using these maps of local sensitivity to variations with respect to the structural response, it is possible to redistribute material properties or geometry to promote certain behavior. This is demonstrated on a flat plate and curved panel by varying either the Young’smodulus or the thickness of the structure to increase the linear buckling load. In both of these variations the average property is set to remain the same as the original structure. Applying the redistribution increased the linear buckling load by up to 29%.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2307-2320
Number of pages14
JournalAIAA Journal
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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