Enhancement of biomethane potential of brown sludge by pre-treatment using vortex based hydrodynamic cavitation

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Novel, non-thermal and economically benign pre-treatment process was developed for enhancing valorisation potential of brown sludge generated by dairy industry wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Vortex-based hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) device was used to quantify influence of pretreatment by measuring biomethane potential (BMP) of untreated and treated brown sludge. Pre-treatment parameters, primarily, pressure drop and number of passes through the cavitation device were varied to quantify influence on BMP. BMP tests were performed at 39 °C containing 5% of total solids in each reactors using an automatic BMP measurement system containing 15 reactors with each volume of 500 mL fitted with overhead stirrer. HC treatment increased the soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) by more than 25% which increased the BMP. HC treatment was able to push the BMP of treated sludge to more than 80% of the theoretical BMP. Volatile solids (VS) removal was more than 65%. Highest methane yield was 376 mL/g-VS of sludge. The methodology and results presented here show significant potential to valorise brown dairy sludge via vortex based hydrodynamic cavitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere18345
Pages (from-to)e18345
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • Anaerobic digestion
  • BMP
  • Dairy sludge
  • Valorisation
  • Vortex diode


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