Exploring the nature and implications of student teacher engagement with development education initiatives

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In this article, the authors outline and discuss the findings of a research study, which explored student teacher engagement with development education (DE) interventions implemented within Professional Master of Education (PME) programmes across eight Irish Higher Education Institutions. Interpretivist methods were employed incorporating questionnaires administered to 536 student teachers pre and post the DE intervention and 6 focus group discussions conducted with 26 student teachers. Findings indicate that the capacity of PME students to engage with development issues and integrate DE into their teaching has strengthened considerably because of their participation in the intervention. However, in order to build upon this more must be done with respect to: strengthening student teachers’ knowledge of development issues; embedding DE further across PME programmes; enhancing practical engagement with DE on School Placement and prioritising DE-related research and reflection. Findings align with a conceptual understanding of DE as a complex system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-201
Number of pages17
JournalIrish Educational Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2017


  • complex and adaptive systems
  • critical pedagogy
  • development education
  • initial teacher education


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