Food allergens: Knowledge and practices of food handlers in restaurants

Aline R. Ajala, Adriano G. Cruz, Jose A.F. Faria, Eduardo H.M. Walter, Daniel Granato, Anderson S. Sant Ana

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This survey evaluated the knowledge of managers and food handlers, who work in restaurants functioning in two large supermarket chains in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo (Brazil), concerning food allergies. Twelve restaurants were evaluated, representing a total of 74 people (12 managers and 62 food handlers). Results have shown that even though the survey showed that food handlers had some knowledge on food allergies, allergic people must stay on the alert, questioning the place where they are going to have their meals in terms of the ingredients used, verifying whether the food is really free of allergens, and always observing the labels of food products. This is needed since there is no real concern by these establishments in preparing safe meals in terms of food allergies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1318-1321
Number of pages4
JournalFood Control
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Consumer knowledge
  • Food allergens
  • Food allergies
  • Food handlers
  • Restaurants


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