Gamma radiation nose system based on in2O3/SiO thick film PN-junctions

K. Arshak, O. Korostynska, L. Szumilas, J. Harris, S. Clifford

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In2O3 and SiO mixtures into thick film pn-junctions form were investigated for γ-radiation dosimetry purposes. Results show that the current is increased with the increase in radiation dose to a certain level, exceeding this level resulted in device damage. The performance parameters of the devices, such as sensitivity to γradiation exposure and working dose region, were found to be highly dependant on the composition of the materials used. To cover wider range of radiation, the approach of using sensor arrays was utilized, where the sections of the radiation nose system differ in material composition. A dynamic selection of the multiple sensors of various sensitivity and accuracy range was implemented by applying an error and pattern recognition analysis, which maximizes measurement accuracy. The algorithm was optimized for efficiency, which allows to use it in small devices, like handheld computers.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventIEEE Sensors 2004 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 24 Oct 200427 Oct 2004


ConferenceIEEE Sensors 2004


  • γ-radiation
  • E-Nose system
  • Metal oxides
  • Thick films


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