Guidelines and training initiatives that support communication in cross-cultural primary-care settings: Appraising their implementability using normalization process theory

Tomas de Brún, Mary O.Reilly de-Brún, Evelyn van Weel-Baumgarten, Chris van Weel, Christopher Dowrick, Christos Lionis, Catherine A. O'Donnell, Nicola Burns, Frances S. Mair, Aristoula Saridaki, Maria Papadakaki, Christine Princz, Maria van den Muijsenbergh, Anne MacFarlane

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Guidelines and training initiatives (G/TIs) available to support communication in cross-cultural primary health care consultations are not routinely used. We need to understand more about levers and barriers to their implementation and identify G/TIs likely to be successfully implemented in practice. Objective: To report a mapping process used to identify G/TIs and to prospectively appraise their implementability, using Normalization Process Theory (NPT). Methods: RESTORE is a 4-year EU FP-7 project. We used purposeful and network sampling to identify experts in statutory and non-statutory agencies across Austria, England, Greece, Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands who recommended G/TI data from the grey literature. In addition, a peer review of literature was conducted in each country. Resulting data were collated using a standardized Protocol Mapping Document. G/TIs were identified for inclusion by (i) initial elimination of incomplete G/TI material; (ii) application of filtering criteria; and (iii) application of NPT. Results: 20 G/TIs met selection criteria: 8 guidelines and 12 training initiatives. Most G/TIs were identified in the Netherlands (n = 7), followed by Ireland (n = 6) and England (n = 5). Fewer were identified in Scotland (n = 2), and none in Greece or Austria. The majority (n = 13) were generated without the inclusion of migrant service users. All 20 were prospectively appraised for potential implementability by applying NPT. Conclusions: NPT is useful as a means of prospectively testing G/TIs for implementability. Results indicate a need to initiate meaningful engagement of migrants in the development of G/ TIs. A European-based professional standard for development and assessment of cross-cultural communication resources is advised.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)420-425
Number of pages6
JournalFamily Practice
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Community involvement
  • Migrant health
  • Normalization process theory
  • Primary care


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