Health promoting sports clubs: from theory to intervention

Aurélie Van Hoye, Catherine Woods, Stacey Johnson, Susanna Geidne, Alex Donaldson, Florence Rostan, Fabienne Lemonnier, Anne Vuillemin

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


INTRODUCTION: Beyond the contribution of sports clubs to physical activity, an important health determinant, sports clubs can embrace the settings-based approach to health promotion, acting as health promoting sports clubs (HPSC). Limited research links the HPSC concept with evidence-driven strategies to provide guidance to develop HPSC interventions. METHODS: An intervention building a research system of the development of an HPSC intervention will be presented, including seven different studies, from literature review to intervention co-construction and evaluation. The different steps and their results will be presented as lessons learnt for settings-based intervention development. RESULTS: First, the evidence base showed a poorly defined HPSC concept, but 14 evidence-driven strategies. Second, concept mapping identified 35 sports clubs needs in regard to HPSC. Third, the HPSC model and intervention framework were designed using a participative research approach. Fourth, a measurement tool for HPSC was validated psychometrically. Fifth, capitalization of experience from eight exemplar HPSC projects was realized to test the intervention theory. Sixth, program co-construction was realized by involving sports club actors. Seventh, intervention evaluation was built by the research team. DISCUSSION: This HPSC intervention development is an example of building a health promotion program, implicating different types of stakeholders, and provide a HPSC theoretical model, HPSC intervention strategies, a program and toolkit, for sports clubs to implement health promotion and fully endorse their role in the community.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8139
Number of pages1
JournalRural and remote health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


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