High-frequency permeability of electroplated CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C alloys

Fernando M.F. Rhen, Paul McCloskey, Terence O'Donnell, Saibal Roy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We have investigated CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C electrodeposited by pulse reverse plating (PRP) and direct current (DC) techniques. CoNiFe(PRP) films with composition Co59.4Fe27.7Ni12.8 show coercivity of 95 A m-1 (1.2 Oe) and magnetization saturation flux (μ0Ms) of 1.8 T. Resistivity of CoNiFe (PRP) is about 24 μΩ cm and permeability remains almost constant μr′ ∼475 up to 30 MHz with a quality factor (Q) larger than 10. Additionally, the permeability spectra analysis shows that CoNiFe exhibits a classical eddy current loss at zero bias field and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) when biased with 0.05 T. Furthermore, a crossover between eddy current and FMR loss is observed for CoNiFe-PRP when baised with 0.05 T. DC and PRP plated CoNiFe-C, which have resistivity and permeability of 85, 38 μΩ cm, μr′=165 and 35 with Q>10 up to 320 MHz, respectively, showed only ferromagnetic resonance losses. The ferromagnetic resonance peaks in CoNiFe and CoNiFe-C are broad and resembles a Gaussian distribution of FMR frequencies. The incorporation of C to CoNiFe reduces eddy current loss, but also reduces the FMR frequency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e819-e822
JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • Electroplated CoNiFe
  • High moment
  • High-frequency permeability


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