High resolution Spectroscopy of jet-cooled naphthaleneNaphthalene: the 000 and 3301 Bands of the Ã1B1uX~1Ag Transition: The 00 0 and 330 1 bands of the Ã1B1u ← X˜Ag transition

John O'Reilly, Duck Lae Joo, Rika Takahashi, Hajime Katô, Masaaki Baba

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Rotationally resolved excitation spectra of the 000 and 3301 bands of the Ã1B1u ← X̃1Ag electronic transition of naphthalene were measured by a frequency-doubled single-mode tunable laser and a jet-cooled collimated molecular beam. The observed linewidth was 18 MHz, and the absolute wavenumber was determined with an accuracy of better than 0.0002 cm-1. The molecular constants of the X̃1Agg(v = 0), Ã1B1u(v = 0), and Ã1B1u(v33 = 1) levels were determined and represent the most accurate measurements to date. Three rotational constants were sufficient to fit 3386 lines of J = 1-43 and Ka = 0-21 with a standard deviation 0.0002 cm-1. This indicates that the molecular structures are rigid both in the X̃1Ag and Ã1B1u states. When a magnetic field was applied, spectral line broadening was observed for levels with small Ka value in the Ã1B1u(v33 = 1) state, and the Zeeman splitting was observed to increase with increasing J. No broadening, however, was observed in the 000 band up to H = 0.65 T.

Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Pages (from-to)155-159
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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