Highlighting the Relevance of Mathematics to Secondary School Students – Why and How

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A lack of knowledge and appreciation of the prominence of mathematics in different careers can have a negative impact on a student’s engagement with the subject. A perceived lack of relevance can result in disinterest, and even disengagement with mathematics entirely. This can lead to more serious consequences for the economy of a country who requires a consistent flow of well-educated science, technology, and mathematics graduates to ensure economic and social development. Research shows that the textbook is the most commonly used resource in Irish classrooms. Textbooks impact significantly on teaching and learning as they dictate what will be taught, in what order, and how. For this reason, this research commenced with an analysis of local textbooks to evaluate how well they highlight the relevance of mathematics within careers. This textbook analysis, in conjunction with interviews conducted with secondary school mathematics teachers, indicate a distinct lack of resources and support for teachers who want to highlight the relevance of mathematics within a range of careers as a means of enhancing student motivation and engagement with the subject. These findings motivated the conception of a pilot study designed to support secondary school mathematics teachers to fill this gap in teaching resources.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
JournalEuropean Journal of STEM Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • careers education
  • mathematics education
  • relevance of mathematics
  • STEM education


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