Human Resource Management in Multinational Enterprises: Evidence From a Late Industrializing Economy

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This paper examines the extent to which human resource management (HRM) practices in multinational enterprises (MNEs) from a small, late developing and highly globalized economy resemble their counterparts from larger, early industrializing countries. The paper draws on data from a large-scale representative survey of 260 MNEs in Ireland. The results demonstrate that there are significant differences between the HRM practices deployed in Irish-owned MNEs and that of their US counterparts but considerable similarity with UK firms. A key conclusion is that arguments in the literature regarding MNEs moving towards the adoption of global best practices, equating to the pursuance of an American model of HRM, were not obvious. The study found considerable variation from 'US practices' amongst indigenous Irish MNEs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361-380
Number of pages20
JournalManagement International Review
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


  • Best practice
  • Globalization
  • Human resource management
  • Ireland
  • Late industrializing
  • Multinational enterprise


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