Hybrid cloud slas for industry 4.0: Bridging the gap

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Hybrid Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLA) comprises of the legal terms and conditions for the cloud contract. Even though all the service level objectives, metrics and service descriptions are clearly outlined in the cloud SLA contract, sometimes vendors fail to meet the promised services and confusing terms lead to tenant-vendor cloud legal battles. Hybrid Cloud involves two different cloud models (public and private) working together, applications running under the hybrid cloud are subject to different availability sets, functionality and parameters developing SLA complexity and ambiguity. The new manufacturing environment (Industry 4.0 concept) is based on a fully connected, intelligent and automated factory, which will highly be dependent on cloud computing and IoT-based solutions for data analytics, storage and computational needs. In situations where Hybrid cloud services are not defined and managed properly may result in Industrial-IoT data security issues leading to financial and data losses. This paper discusses various aspects of the cloud service level agreement in Industry 4.0 for better understanding and implementation and puts a light on the issues that arise out of imprecise statements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-60
Number of pages20
JournalAnnals of Emerging Technologies in Computing
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Security
  • Industry 4.0
  • Quality of Service
  • Service Level Agreements


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