‘I took this picture because … ’: accessing teachers’ depictions of change

Melissa Parker, Kevin Patton, Christina Sinclair

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Achieving teacher change and the lofty goals of educational reform initiatives necessitates professional development (PD) designed to help teachers rethink their practice. A key implication for physical education, therefore, is that PD must be organized in ways that utilize teachers' voice, providing opportunities for teachers to build or extend their own capacity to engage in ongoing learning. Yet, while the desired outcome of PD is capacity-building resulting in teacher change, teachers' needs and interests remain largely ignored. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of using participatory visual methods as a pedagogical and methodological tool to facilitate teacher articulation of change. Specifically, we sought to understand teachers' depictions of their own change. Theoretical framework: The project was grounded in constructivist learning theory as the pedagogical use of visual methods provided teachers a way to understand, interpret, and think about the curriculum change and their teaching. Participants and setting: Four physical education teachers, all female, were the participants. Data sources: Data sources included (a) participants' digital photographs, (b) photo-elicitation interviews, and (c) field notes from observations of all PD sessions, conference presentations, and multiple lessons taught by the teachers. Data analysis: Data were analyzed using two distinct yet overlapping processes derived from grounded theory: open and axial coding. Findings: Visual methods allowed participants to articulate three distinct changes as a result of the curriculum development PD process: (a) changes in practice, (b) changes to interpersonal working relationships, and (c) intrapersonal changes. First, the use of visual methods allowed these teachers to identify four multidimensional student learning-focused changes to their teaching practice: outcomes based instruction, increased and differentiated practice, deliberate focus on the affective domain, and assessment to document learning. Second, changes to interpersonal working relations as a result of the curriculum development were documented. These changes provided the initial forum for collaboration as well as solidarity among the teachers to complete a defined task. Third, empowered by their increased skills and knowledge, these teachers experienced intrapersonal changes as they embraced their roles as teachers, professionals, and leaders. All four teachers expressed increased sense of self as a result of their changes in curriculum, assessment, and approach to teaching. Conclusions: These teachers accomplished a great deal as they departed from what they knew well to try new practices and strategies. The use of visual methods documented this complex process. This study has several implications for the use of visual methods. The first is their value as a way for teachers to discuss their own learning and reflect on their practice. Second, the use of photographs and associated photo-elicitation interviews served as a valid research tool which successfully accessed teachers' implicit learning. Finally, a combination of methodologies provided different, yet complimentary information about teachers' depictions of change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)328-346
Number of pages19
JournalPhysical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2016


  • participatory action research
  • professional development
  • teacher change
  • visual methods


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