ICON PART-T 2019 International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus: Recommended standards for reporting participant characteristics in tendinopathy research (PART-T)

Ebonie Kendra Rio, Sean Mc Auliffe, Irene Kuipers, Michael Girdwood, Hakan Alfredson, Roald Bahr, Jill L. Cook, Brooke Coombes, Siu Ngor Fu, Alison Grimaldi, Robert Jan De Vos, Jeremy S. Lewis, Nicola Maffulli, Peter Malliaras, S. P. Magnusson, Edwin H.G. Oei, Craig Robert Purdam, Jonathan D. Rees, Alex Scott, Karin Gravare SilbernagelCathy Speed, Inge Van Den Akker-Scheek, Bill T. Vicenzino, Adam Weir, Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, Johannes Zwerver

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We aimed to establish consensus for reporting recommendations relating to participant characteristics in tendon research. A scoping literature review of tendinopathy studies (Achilles, patellar, hamstring, gluteal and elbow) was followed by an online survey and face-To-face consensus meeting with expert healthcare professionals (HCPs) at the International Scientific Tendon Symposium, Groningen 2018. We reviewed 263 papers to form statements for consensus and invited 30 HCPs from different disciplines and geographical locations; 28 completed the survey and 15 attended the meeting. There was consensus that the following data should be reported for cases and controls: sex, age, standing height, body mass, history of tendinopathy, whether imaging was used to confirm pathology, loading tests, pain location, symptom duration and severity, level of disability, comorbidities, physical activity level, recruitment source and strategies, and medication use history. Standardised reporting of participant characteristics aims to benefit patients and clinicians by guiding researchers in the conduct of their studies. We provide free resources to facilitate researchers adopting our recommendations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)627-630
Number of pages4
JournalBritish Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sep 2019
Externally publishedYes


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