Indicators for managing biosolids in Ireland

Magnus Amajirionwu, Noel Connaughton, Brian McCann, Richard Moles, John Bartlett, Bernadette O'Regan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Sustainable development indicators (SDIs) have emerged as a tool to measure progress towards sustainable development for a number of fields. However, no indicator initiative to date has been aimed at biosolids management at local authority, regional or national levels. This paper presents a study where stakeholders involved in the management of biosolids in Ireland participated in the development of SDIs for managing biosolids at the local/regional level. A significant 81% of participating stakeholders find SDIs either 'useful' or 'very useful' as a tool for managing biosolids. A suite of 22 indicators has been developed and arranged according to the driving force-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) indicator framework. The indicators address all the domains of biosolids management namely, production, quality, cost, legislation/regulation, training/research and recycling/disposal. The stakeholder approach is recognition that no effective indicator set can be developed without the input of stakeholders.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1361-1372
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Environmental Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2008


  • Biosolids
  • Indicator framework
  • Indicators
  • Participatory approach
  • Stakeholder
  • Sustainable development


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