Influence of amount of nitrogen on crystallisation of Y-sialon glasses: In-Situ XRD analysis

Emrah Dolekcekic, Michael J. Pomeroy, Stuart Hampshire

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Y-SiAlON glasses of composition 36.5 Y: 42.3 Si: 21.2 Al with different amounts of N (0, 5, 8, 15 and 22 in e/o) were produced by melting appropriate mixtures of powders under flowing nitrogen at 1715°C. This composition is known to give B-phase (Y2SiAlO5N) on crystallisation at temperatures below 1050°C. In this work, the effect of nitrogen in the starting glass composition on the crystalline phases formed is discussed. High temperature in-situ XRD analysis was performed on powdered glass samples up to 1150°C by using a Philips X'pert PRO MPD (Multi Purpose Diffractometer) with a HTK 1200 Oven Camera (Anton Paar, Austria). As expected, the results show that different nitrogen contents affect the crystalline phases formed. In all glasses, yttrium apatite silicate forms first, followed by crystallisation of B-phase. The phase transformation from B-phase to Iw-phase (Y3Si 2Al[O,N10] i.e. 10 e/o N) takes place at relatively low temperatures (1050°C) for the lower nitrogen containing samples (5 and 8 e/o), whereas, the transformation does not take place for the glasses with higher nitrogen contents even at the maximum temperature studied (1150°C). This work also confirms that there is a correlation between the temperature where the first crystals appear and the amount of nitrogen in the starting glass.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)293-298
Number of pages6
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • B-phase
  • Crystallisation
  • In-situ XRD analysis
  • Iw-phase
  • Oxynitrides
  • YSiAION glass


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