Influence of iron on the synthesis and stability of yttrium silicate apatite

Julien Parmentier, Kath Liddell, Derek P. Thompson, Hervé Lemercier, Norbert Schneider, Stuart Hampshire, Philippe R. Bodart, Robin K. Harris

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The stability of yttrium silicate apatite has been investigated by studying the influence of iron as a "stabilising cation" and also by using different synthesis routes. The formation of apatite in samples has been followed by X-ray diffraction and by 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy. The apatite phase appears to be stable at high temperatures (≈1700°C) especially when heated in a nitrogen atmosphere; it can also occur in a metastable state when heated in air at lower temperatures; ≈1600°C if prepared from a Y2O3-SiO2 mixture or in the range 950°C < T < 1150°C if synthesised by the sol-gel process. Longer heat-treatments result in its decomposition into Y2Si2O7 and Y2SiO5. Iron appears to have two roles depending on the temperature; it stabilises the apatite phase at high temperatures when produced by the sol-gel route and catalyses the decomposition of sol-gel derived apatite at low temperatures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)495-502
Number of pages8
JournalSolid State Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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