Influence of metal-organic framework MOF-76(Gd) activation/carbonization on the cycle performance stability in Li-S battery

D. Capková, T. Kazda, O. Čech, N. Király, T. Zelenka, P. Čudek, A. Sharma, V. Hornebecq, A. Straková Fedorková, M. Almáši

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Carbon materials are widely used as sulphur support to improve the cycle performance, efficiency, electrode stability and high discharge capacity of lithium-sulphur batteries. Metal-organic frameworks with their unique structure can confine polysulphides and restrain the shuttle effect. Microporous metal-organic framework MOF-76(Gd) was synthesized and applied as a support for sulphur in lithium-sulphur batteries. To achieve better conductivity, MOF-76(Gd) was carbonized and applied as a conductive nest in the sulphur cathode. Activated (AC) and carbonized (C) MOF-76(Gd) in electrode material displayed sulphur encapsulation and polysulphide confinement which was proved by stable capacity during cycling. The carbonized MOF-76(Gd) in cathode material showed an initial discharge capacity of 658 mAh g−1, and after 200 cycles at 0.5 C, the capacity retention was almost 93%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104419
JournalJournal of Energy Storage
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Cycling stability
  • Lithium-sulphur batteries
  • Metal-organic framework
  • MOF-76(Gd)
  • Sulphur cathode


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