Influence of the pyrolysis temperature on fresh and pelletised chicken litter with focus on sustainable production and utilisation of biochar

Luga Martin Simbolon, Daya Shankar Pandey, Alen Horvat, James J. Leahy, Savvas A. Tassou, Marzena Kwapinska

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study focused on determining the influence of temperature (500–700 °C) during pyrolysis of pelletised chicken litter (PCL) and fresh chicken litter (FCL). The composition of all pyrolysis products was analysed, and their potential applications were discussed. An analysis of phosphorus speciation in FCL and PCL along with their derived biochars revealed that the share of water-soluble phosphorus was greatly reduced in the biochar, implying lower risk of eutrophication in agricultural applications of biochar when used as a soil improver. Indeed, water-soluble phosphorus decreased from 60% for PCL to as low as 3% for the biochars. In addition, the concentration of other nutrients and heavy metals in biochar, and its potential for agriculture application was discussed. Heavy metals content was below the upper limits set out in the European Fertilising Products Regulation only for biochars produced at 500 °C, but biochars produced at higher temperatures did not meet the limits for Zn and Ni content. The energy balance analysis showed that pelletisation of chicken litter is not necessary, as the properties of both PCL and FCL allow for energetically sustainable pyrolysis when hot pyrolysis gas is combusted, and biochar recovered for nutrient recycling.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26443-26457
Number of pages15
JournalBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • Heavy metals in biochar
  • Intermediate pyrolysis; Pyrolysis liquids; Pyrolysis gas
  • Nutrient
  • Phosphorus transformation


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