Info-ted: Bringing policy, research, and practice together around Teacher Educator Development

Eline Vanassche, Frances Rust, Paul F. Conway, Kari Smith, Hanne Tack, Ruben Vanderlinde

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This chapter is contributed by InFo-TED, the International Forum for Teacher Educator Development. This newly established community brings together people from across the world to exchange research, policy, and practice related to teacher educators' professional learning and development. We define teacher educators broadly as those who are professionally involved and engaged in the initial and on-going education of teachers. Our contention is that while there is general agreement about the important role played by teacher educators, their professional education is under-studied and under-supported. Here, we elaborate the rationale for this initiative, delineate our conceptual framework, and provide examples of steps taken in Belgium, Ireland, and Norway to develop the professional identities and knowledge bases of those who educate and support teachers, and conclude with implications for a implications for a scholarly study agenda having to do with research, policy, and practice relating to teacher educators' professional development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)341-364
Number of pages24
JournalAdvances in Research on Teaching
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • InFo-TED
  • Knowledge base of teacher education
  • Teacher education policy
  • Teacher education practices
  • Teacher education research
  • Teacher educators' identities


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