Investigation of a Luminescent Coating for Monitoring Liquid Temperature in a Microwave Environment

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An extrinsic optical fibre temperature sensor has been investigated and preliminary results are presented. An active coating is used which consists of a mixture of two phosphor powders. Thermal quenching dominates the luminescent characteristics of one phosphor at temperatures in the range of interest while the other more stable phosphor is used as a reference. Ratios of their emission intensities are calculated and analysed. Preliminary results show a decreasing ratio for increasing temperature. This paper describes initial testing of the coating and its application, as part of a temperature sensor, for monitoring surface temperatures in electromagnetically harsh industrial environments.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventSecond International Conference on Sensors: IEEE Sensors 2003 - Toronto, Ont., Canada
Duration: 22 Oct 200324 Oct 2003


ConferenceSecond International Conference on Sensors: IEEE Sensors 2003
CityToronto, Ont.


  • Luminescent coating
  • Microwave environment
  • Phosphors
  • Temperature


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