ISDA-BAN: interoperability and security based data authentication scheme for body area network

Faisal Kiyani, Kashif Naseer Qureshi, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Gwanggil Jeon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The new and integrated technologies have changed the traditional systems and services with new and smart automation systems. Smart healthcare system is one of the example of patients monitoring systems with more smart and cost effective services to protect the people who suffered from physical or psychological diseases, illnesses, and health concerns. wireless body area network contains smart sensor nodes planted inside or outside the patient body by using sensing and monitoring capabilities. With various benefits, these networks have some serious security challenges where the patient data is compromised due to different types of security attacks. Biomedical devices and sensor nodes are communicating internally or externally and always the open and easy target for attackers. There are various types of routing protocols have been designed for security but due to their complex and heavy processes the sensor nodes energy depleted, delay and overhead occurred. Due to limited resources of sensor nodes like battery, processing, memory, and storage, these networks need special lightweight security solutions. In this context, this paper proposes an interoperability and security for data authentication scheme for body area network protocol by using different leftover features like forwarding data security and address the synchronization and key control issues. The proposed protocol provides security for both internal and external devices and protect the data from any kind of unauthorized data breach. Experiments results indicated the better performance of the proposed protocol as compared with the state-of-the-art schemes. The proposed protocol is one of the effective security addition for secure medical healthcare data transmission.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2429-2442
Number of pages14
JournalCluster Computing
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023


  • Attacks
  • Authentication
  • Biomedical
  • Data communication
  • Healthcare
  • Security
  • WBAN


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