‘It’s the other assessment that is the key’: three Norwegian physical education teachers’ engagement (or not) with assessment for learning

Petter E. Leirhaug, Ann MacPhail

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The international agenda for assessment continues to convey a growing interest in assessment for learning (AfL) as a tool to support learning and enhance teaching. Complementing this, the recent literature on assessment in physical education acknowledges the need for physical educators to integrate AfL into their teaching and assessment practice as an important part of the future development of the subject. Appreciating that physical education must be recognized as part of the larger movement culture in society and is a place to learn about movement culture, this study explores how AfL is understood and enacted by physical education teachers and the extent to which such enactment complements or challenges learning movement cultures within physical education. This study shares how three Norwegian physical education teachers used AfL to term what they were practicing with respect to assessment in physical education. We follow the interactions of the selected teachers throughout focus groups, using the empirical data as our ‘dialogue partner’ in reconstructing and discussing their assessment stories. We conclude that the need of embedding AfL in learning theory may well be one of the strongest challenges to enacting AfL in physical education. We acknowledge that not only are most existing theories of learning defined cognitively, but also that learning connected to physical education and activity is, to a large extent, practical and embodied, and also linked to the powerful discourses of sport and related areas such as health.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)624-640
    Number of pages17
    JournalSport, Education and Society
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2015


    • Assessment for learning
    • Formative assessment
    • Norway
    • Physical education
    • Teacher stories


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