Large-core fibre-cavity design for ring-down experiments

Matthias Fabian, Elfed Lewis, Thomas Newe, Steffen I. Lochmann

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


A fibre-cavity design based on highly reflective gold coatings, vapor-deposited to the two end faces of a large core multimode waveguide, is presented. In contrast to common fibre-cavity approaches, the laser pulses are not coupled through the reflective coatings into the cavity but through a micro hole in one of the fibre end faces, which reduces the commonly very high coupling loss to less than 1%. Accordingly, lower demands on the source power and the sensitivity of the receiver circuit result in lower costs of ring-down sensor approaches. An estimate of the ringdown time constant of the fibre-cavity is given and the influence of the microhole on the reflection loss is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2010 - Proceedings
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2010 - Limerick, Ireland
Duration: 23 Feb 201025 Feb 2010

Publication series

Name2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2010 - Proceedings


Conference2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2010


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