Leishmania braziliensis replication protein A subunit 1: Molecular modelling, protein expression and analysis of its affinity for both DNA and RNA

Paola A. Nocua, Cesar A. Ramirez, George E. Barreto, Janneth González, José M. Requena, Concepción J. Puerta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Replication factor A (RPA) is a single-strand DNA binding protein involved in DNA replication, recombination and repair processes. It is composed by the subunits RPA-1, RPA-2 and RPA-3; the major DNA-binding activity resides in the subunit 1 of the heterotrimeric RPA complex. In yeast and higher eukaryotes, besides the three basic structural DNA-binding domains, the RPA-1 subunit contains an N-Terminal region involved in protein-protein interactions with a fourth DNA-binding domain. Remarkably, the N-Terminal extension is absent in the RPA-1 of the pathogenic protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis; however, the protein maintains its ability to bind ssDNA. In a recent work, we identify Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis RPA-1 by its specific binding to the untranslated regions of the HSP70 mRNAs, suggesting that this protein might be also an RNA-binding protein. Methods: Both rLbRPA-1 purified by His-Tag affinity chromatography as well as the in vitro transcribed L. braziliensis 3′ HSP70-II UTR were used to perform pull down assays to asses nucleic acid binding properties. Also, homology modeling was carried out to construct the LbRPA-1 tridimensional structure to search relevant amino acid residues to bind nucleic acids. Results: In this work, after obtaining the recombinant L. braziliensis RPA-1 protein under native conditions, competitive and non-competitive pull-down assays confirmed the single-stranded DNA binding activity of this protein and demonstrated its interaction with the 3′ UTR from the HSP70-II mRNA. As expected, this protein exhibits a high affinity for ssDNA, but we have found that RPA-1 interacts also with RNA. Additionally, we carried out a structural analysis of L. braziliensis RPA-1 protein using the X-ray diffraction structure of Ustilago maydis homologous protein as a template. Our results indicate that, in spite of the evolutionary divergence between both organisms, the structure of these two RPA-1 proteins seems to be highly conserved. Conclusion: The LbRPA-1 protein is a ssDNA binding protein, but also it shows affinity in vitro for the HSP70 mRNA; this finding supports a possible in vivo role in the HSP70 mRNA metabolism. On the other hand, the three dimensional model of Leishmania RPA-1 serves as a starting point for both functional analysis and its exploration as a chemotherapeutic target to combat leishmaniasis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number573
Pages (from-to)573-
JournalParasites and Vectors
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Leishmania braziliensis
  • Replication protein A (RPA)
  • RNA binding protein
  • RPA subunit 1
  • Single-stranded DNA binding protein


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