Mechanical blood-tissue interaction in contracting muscles: A model study

W. J. Vankan, J. M. Huyghe, C. C. Van Donkelaar, M. R. Drost, J. D. Janssen, A. Huson

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A finite element (FE) model of blood perfused biological tissue has been developed. Blood perfusion is described by fluid flow through a series of 5 intercommunicating vascular compartments that are embedded in the tissue. Each compartment is characterized by a blood flow permeability tenser, blood volume fraction and vessel compliance. Local non-linear relationships between intra-extra vascular pressure difference and blood volume fraction, and between blood volume fraction and the permeability tenser, are included in the FE model. To test the implementation of these non-linear relations, FE results of blood perfusion in a piece of tissue that is subject to increased intramuscular pressure, are compared to results that are calculated with a lumped parameter (LP) model of blood perfusion. FE simulation of blood flow through a contracting rat calf muscle is performed. The FE model used in this simulation contains a transversely isotropic, non-linearly elastic description of deforming muscle tissue, in which local contraction stress is prescribed as a function of time. FE results of muscle tension, total arterial inflow and total venous outflow of the muscle during contraction, correspond to experimental results of an isometrically and tetanically contracting rat calf muscle.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-409
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 1998


  • Blood perfused muscle
  • Finite clement model
  • Finite deformation
  • Intramuscular pressure
  • Vessel compliance


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