Metal-graphene interaction studied via atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy

Recep Zan, Ursel Bangert, Quentin Ramasse, Konstantin S. Novoselov

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Distributions and atomic sites of transition metals and gold on suspended graphene were investigated via high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, especially using atomic resolution high angle dark field imaging. All metals, albeit as singular atoms or atom aggregates, reside in the omni-present hydrocarbon surface contamination; they do not form continuous films, but clusters or nanocrystals. No interaction was found between Au atoms and clean single-layer graphene surfaces, i.e., no Au atoms are retained on such surfaces. Au and also Fe atoms do, however, bond to clean few-layer graphene surfaces, where they assume T and B sites, respectively. Cr atoms were found to interact more strongly with clean monolayer graphene, they are possibly incorporated at graphene lattice imperfections and have been observed to catalyze dissociation of C-C bonds. This behavior might explain the observed high frequency of Cr-cluster nucleation, and the usefulness as wetting layer, for depositing electrical contacts on graphene.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1087-1092
Number of pages6
JournalNano Letters
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 9 Mar 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • chromium
  • gold
  • Graphene
  • iron
  • STEM


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