Micromechanical Investigation Of Damage Processes At Composite-Adhesive Interfaces

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A new model of an adhesive bond is presented. The model explicitly considers the microscale heterogeneity of a composite material, when bonded with an epoxy adhesive. Finite element models were generated, consisting of a composite microstructure, joined to an epoxy adhesive, separated by a cohesive zone. Damage is considered through fibre-matrix debonding in the composite and damage of the adhesive-composite interface. Boundary conditions applied to the RVEs reflect the Mode I and Mode II deformations commonly found in adhesive bonds. The elastic response of the models was predicted using a spring stiffness calculation. The strength of the adhesive-composite bondline was found to influence the damage process at the microscale, as low bond strengths promoted damage of the adhesive-composite interface, and high bond strength produced failure within the composite under Mode I deformation. Similarly, under Mode II conditions, damage was confined to the adhesive-composite interface at low bondline strengths, while high bondline strengths produced yielding of the adhesive layer. A region of bondline was weakened, and loaded under Mode I conditions. The resultant combination of composite and bondline failure was attributed to a combination of the fibre positions within the composite region and the presence of a weak region of bondline.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-69
Number of pages9
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sep 2013


  • A. Adhesive joint
  • B. Debonding
  • C. Finite element analysis (FEA)
  • C. Multiscale modelling


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