Modifiable Psychosocial Constructs Associated With Physical Activity Participation in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Blathin Casey, Susan Coote, Celina Shirazipour, Ailish Hannigan, Robert Motl, Kathleen Martin Ginis, Amy Latimer-Cheung

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Objective To synthesize current knowledge of the modifiable psychosocial constructs associated with physical activity (PA) participation in people with multiple sclerosis. Data Sources A search was conducted through October 2015 in 8 electronic databases: CINAHL, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Knowledge, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and PsycINFO. Study Selection Cohort and intervention studies were included if they (1) included an objective or subjective measure of PA; (2) measured at least 1 modifiable psychosocial construct; and (3) reported bivariate correlations (or these could be extracted) between the PA and psychosocial construct measures. A total of 13,867 articles were screened for inclusion, and 26 were included in the final analysis. Data Extraction Meta-analyses of correlations were conducted using the Hedges-Olkin method. Where a meta-analysis was not possible, results were reported descriptively. Data Synthesis Meta-analyses indicated a pooled correlation coefficient between (1) objective PA and self-efficacy (n=7) of r=.30 (P<.0001), indicating a moderate, positive association; (2) subjective PA and self-efficacy (n=7) of r=.34 (P<.0001), indicating a moderate, positive association; (3) subjective PA and goal-setting (n=5) of r=.44 (P<.0001), indicating a moderate-to-large positive association; and 4) subjective PA and outcome expectancies (n=4) (physical: r=.13, P=.11; social: r=.19, P<.0001; self-evaluative: r=.27, P<.0001), indicating small-moderate positive associations. Other constructs such as measures of health beliefs, enjoyment, social support, and perceived benefits and barriers were reported to be significantly correlated with PA in individual studies, but the number of studies was not sufficient for a meta-analysis. Conclusions Future PA interventions should continue to focus on the psychosocial constructs of self-efficacy and goal-setting. However, there is a need to explore the associations between other constructs outside those reported in this review.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1453-1475
Number of pages23
JournalArchives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Behavioral medicine
  • Exercise
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rehabilitation


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