Motion of Fullerenes around Topological Defects on Metals: Implications for the Progress of Molecular Scale Devices

Peter Nirmalraj, Ronan Daly, Nazario Martin, Damien Thompson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Research on motion of molecules in the presence of thermal noise is central for progress in two-terminal molecular scale electronic devices. However, it is still unclear what influence imperfections in bottom metal electrode surface can have on molecular motion. Here, we report a two-layer crowding study, detailing the early stages of surface motion of fullerene molecules on Au(111) with nanoscale pores in a n-tetradecane chemical environment. The motion of the fullerenes is directed by crowding of the underlying n-tetradecane molecules around the pore fringes at the liquid-solid interface. We observe in real-space the growth of molecular populations around different pore geometries. Supported by atomic-scale modeling, our findings extend the established picture of molecular crowding by revealing that trapped solvent molecules serve as prime nucleation sites at nanopore fringes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7897-7902
Number of pages6
JournalACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 8 Mar 2017


  • fullerenes
  • molecular dynamics
  • nanopores
  • scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy


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