Moving towards quality physical education: Physical education provision in Singapore

Michael McNeill, Boon San Coral Lim, Chee Keng John Wang, Wee Keat Clara Tan, Ann MacPhail

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This study investigated the provision of physical education (PE) in Singapore. Singapore is a small island city state of approximately 699 square kilometres with a population of about 4 million people. This article aims to highlight the current status of PE in Singapore schools and compare it against suggested international standards and recommendations. From questionnaires distributed to every school on a voluntary basis, 164 Heads of Department (HODs) from 78 primary schools, 74 secondary schools and 12 junior colleges, and 474 teachers from 170 schools responded. The findings from these questionnaires focused on the impact of facilities, staffing, timetabling, curriculum time and status, on the provision of PE. In relation to the international context, Singapore faces similar constraints such as inadequate facilities and equipment, and insufficient allocation of time. The study makes a strong case for the improved status and function of PE in schools but three main issues require further attention: (i) primary schools are disadvantaged by staffing issues and general provision; (ii) PE lessons are both inadequate in number and duration to achieve the 'desired outcomes' of the PE syllabus; and (iii) class sizes are considered too large for meaningful learning to occur, resulting in teachers prioritising management issues. When these issues are addressed and their solutions translated into practice, Singapore can actualise the vision of making every student physically educated and achieve a world class standard.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)201-223
    Number of pages23
    JournalEuropean Physical Education Review
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010


    • Physical education
    • Provision of physical education
    • Views and experiences


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