Multi-component diffusion phenomena in multiple-wafer chemical vapour deposition reactors

K. J. Kuijlaars, C. R. Kleijn, H. E.A. van den Akker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A comparative study has been made as to different methods for modelling diffusion phenomena in multi-component reacting gas mixtures in multiple-wafer low-pressure chemical vapour deposition reactors. Two typical processes for the deposition of thin films on silicon wafers in microelectronics manufacturing were studied: the deposition of tungsten from WF6 and the deposition of polycrystalline silicon from SiH4. The two-dimensional axisymmetric equations for the hydrodynamics and the concentration distributions in the reactor were solved numerically. Multi-component diffusion was accounted for through either Fick's law for binary diffusion in the carrier gas, or Wilke's effective diffusivity approach, or the Stefan-Maxwell equations. It has been shown that, compared to the exact Stefan-Maxwell equations, the use of Fick's law or Wilke's approach can lead to inconsistent results when the reactant gases and the reaction product gases are not sufficiently diluted in a bulk carrier gas. This is especially true when there are large variations in the molar masses and in the diffusivities of the various gases in the mixture.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-136
Number of pages10
JournalThe Chemical Engineering Journal and The Biochemical Engineering Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1995
Externally publishedYes


  • Chemical vapour deposition
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Multi-component diffusion
  • Numerical modeling
  • Stefan-Maxwell equations


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