Multipod Bi(Cu2-xS)n Nanocrystals formed by Dynamic Cation–Ligand Complexation and Their Use as Anodes for Potassium-Ion Batteries

Tadhg Kennedy, Shalini Singh, Nilotpal Kapuria, Sumair Imtiaz, Abinaya Sankaran, Hugh Geaney, Kevin M. Ryan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We report the formation of an intermediate lamellar Cu-thiolate complex, and tuning its relative stability using alkylphosphonic acids are crucial to enabling controlled heteronucleation to form Bi(Cu2-xS)n heterostructures with a tunable number of Cu2-xS stems on a Bi core. The denticity of the phosphonic acid group, concentration, and chain length of alkylphosphonic acids are critical factors determining the stability of the Cu-thiolate complex. Increasing the stability of the Cu-thiolate results in single Cu2-xS stem formation, and decreased stability of the Cu-thiolate complex increases the degree of heteronucleation to form multiple Cu2-xS stems on the Bi core. Spatially separated multiple Cu2-xS stems transform into a support network to hold a fragmented Bi core when used as an anode in a K-ion battery, leading to a more stable cycling performance showing a specific capacity of ∼170 mAh·g-1 after 200 cycles compared to ∼111 mAh·g-1 for Bi-Cu2-xS single-stem heterostructures.

Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Pages (from-to)10120-10127
Number of pages8
JournalNano Letters
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2022


  • Catalyst-assisted
  • Heterostructures
  • Intermediates
  • Ligands
  • Metal/semiconductor
  • Potassium ion battery
  • Seeded-growth


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