Near maximum likelihood multi-track partial response detection for magnetic recording

Sebastien Tosi, Thomas Conway

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper considers the detection of data from a parallel multi-track magnetic recording medium in the presence of severe adjacent track interference. In this case, the complexity of a full maximum likelihood detector is prohibitive even for modest numbers of rows. Hence, a reduced complexity detector based on the use of a tree search algorithm (such as the M-algorithm) with a time varying trellis model of the channel is proposed. The complexity of the detector is related to the parameter M, and it is shown that modest values of M can result in good performance yet should be feasible to implement.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventGLOBECOM'04 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - Dallas, TX, United States
Duration: 29 Nov 20043 Dec 2004


ConferenceGLOBECOM'04 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityDallas, TX


  • Magnetic Recording
  • Multidimensional Signal Detection
  • Partial Response Signaling
  • Viterbi Detection


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