New tools for easing system integration, deployment, monitoring and maintenance of ocean energy devices

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This paper describes a set of novel aiding tools and technologies for system integration, deployment, monitoring and maintenance of ocean energy devices. The main component of the system is smart remotely operated vehicle ROVLATIS – a novel, multi-mode of operation marine robotics vehicle, developed at Mobile & Marine Robotics Research Centre (MMRRC), UL for operational flexibility in high-resolution near seabed survey from shallow inshore waters out to the continental shelf edge. The assistive visualisation and control tools, proposed in this paper, allow operators to have better situation awareness and enhanced vehicle control in presence of disturbances. Flexible design of these tools enables their use as separate modules, as well as their integration into unique system. Ocean energy technologies play an important part in meeting target that third of Irish electricity is generated from renewable sources by 2020. Proposed assistive tools could help developers of ocean energy devices in meeting this target during different stages of design, deployment and operation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number309
Pages (from-to)287-292
Number of pages6
JournalRenewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010


  • Fault-tolerant control
  • Ocean energy
  • Real-time visualisation
  • Smart ROV


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