Nonlinear interaction of a zonal jet and barotropic Rossby-wave turbulence: the problem of turbulent friction. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans: the problem of turbulent friction

Eugene Benilov, V. G. Gnevyshev, V. I. Shrira

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Interaction of a zonal jet and small-amplitude Rossby-wave turbulence is studied within the framework of the barotropic β-plane model. It is demonstrated that turbulent-laminar interaction in this case transfers energy from the wave turbulence to the laminar flow (the effect of negative friction). We derive a conclusion that, as the geophysical turbulence is determined partly by wave turbulence and none of the traditional heuristic models can adequately describe the effect of negative friction associated with wave turbulence, the application of these models to the 'real' ocean and atmosphere is unreliable. It is also demonstrated that, as they are affected by the turbulence, all westward jets slowly expand without strengthening. Each jet has a core, within the limits of which the velocity of the fluid is constant. In some cases, the core expands faster than the jet periphery, resulting in jumps on the profile of the flow. All eastward jets are steady irrespective of their profiles.

Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Pages (from-to)339-353
Number of pages15
JournalDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1992


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