Numerical solution of a dissolution process in a stirred tank reactor

Harry Van Den Akker, H. Hartmann, J. J. Derksen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A dissolution process of solid particles suspended in a turbulent flow of a Rushton turbine stirred tank is studied numerically by large eddy simulations including passive scalar transport and particle tracking. The lattice-Boltzmann flow solver and the Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model are adopted for solving the stirred tank flow. To the LES a finite volume scheme is coupled that solves the convection-diffusion equation for the solute. The solid particles are tracked in the Eulerian flow field through solving the dynamic equations of linear and rotational motion of the particles. Particle-particle and particle-wall collisions are included, and the particle transport code is two-way coupled. The simulation has been restricted to a lab-scale tank with a volume equal to 10-2m3. A set of 7×106 spherical particles 0.3mm in diameter are released in the top part of the tank (10% of the tank volume), resulting in a local initial solids volume fraction of 10%. The particle properties are such that they resemble those of calcium chloride beads. The focus is on solids and scalar concentration distributions, particle size distributions, and the dissolution time. For the particular process considered, the dissolution time is found to be at most one order of magnitude larger than the time needed to fully disperse the solids throughout the tank.

Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Pages (from-to)3025-3032
Number of pages8
JournalChemical Engineering Science
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - May 2006
EventFluid Mixing VIII International Conference -
Duration: 10 Apr 200612 Apr 2006


  • Dissolution
  • Particle transport
  • Simulation
  • Stirred tank
  • Suspension
  • Turbulence


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