Observation of Antiferroelectric Domain Walls in a Uniaxial Hyperferroelectric

Michele Conroy, Didrik René Småbråten, Colin Ophus, Konstantin Shapovalov, Quentin M. Ramasse, Kasper Aas Hunnestad, Sverre M. Selbach, Ulrich Aschauer, Kalani Moore, J. Marty Gregg, Ursel Bangert, Massimiliano Stengel, Alexei Gruverman, Dennis Meier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Ferroelectric domain walls are a rich source of emergent electronic properties and unusual polar order. Recent studies show that the configuration of ferroelectric walls can go well beyond the conventional Ising-type structure. Néel-, Bloch-, and vortex-like polar patterns have been observed, displaying strong similarities with the spin textures at magnetic domain walls. Here, the discovery of antiferroelectric domain walls in the uniaxial ferroelectric Pb5Ge3O11 is reported. Highly mobile domain walls with an alternating displacement of Pb atoms are resolved, resulting in a cyclic 180° flip of dipole direction within the wall. Density functional theory calculations show that Pb5Ge3O11 is hyperferroelectric, allowing the system to overcome the depolarization fields that usually suppress the antiparallel ordering of dipoles along the longitudinal direction. Interestingly, the antiferroelectric walls observed under the electron beam are energetically more costly than basic head-to-head or tail-to-tail walls. The results suggest a new type of excited domain-wall state, expanding previous studies on ferroelectric domain walls into the realm of antiferroic phenomena.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2405150
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sep 2024


  • DFT calculations
  • antiferroelectric
  • domain wall
  • scanning transmission electron microscopy


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