Openness to experience and adapting to change: Cardiovascular stress habituation to change in acute stress exposure

Páraic S. Ó Súilleabháin, Siobhán Howard, Brian M. Hughes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Underlying psychophysiological mechanisms of effect linking openness to experience to health outcomes, and particularly cardiovascular well-being, are unknown. This study examined the role of openness in the context of cardiovascular responsivity to acute psychological stress. Continuous cardiovascular response data were collected for 74 healthy young female adults across an experimental protocol, including differing counterbalanced acute stressors. Openness was measured via self-report questionnaire. Analysis of covariance revealed openness was associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP; p =.016), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP; p =.036) responsivity across the protocol. Openness was also associated with heart rate (HR) responding to the initial stress exposure (p =.044). Examination of cardiovascular adaptation revealed that higher openness was associated with significant SBP (p =.001), DBP (p =.009), and HR (p =.002) habituation in response to the second differing acute stress exposure. Taken together, the findings suggest persons higher in openness are characterized by an adaptive cardiovascular stress response profile within the context of changing acute stress exposures. This study is also the first to demonstrate individual differences in cardiovascular adaptation across a protocol consisting of differing stress exposures. More broadly, this research also suggests that future research may benefit from conceptualizing an adaptive fitness of openness within the context of change. In summary, the present study provides evidence that higher openness stimulates short-term stress responsivity, while ensuring cardiovascular habituation to change in stress across time.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere13023
Pages (from-to)e13023
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


  • adaptation
  • cardiovascular
  • health
  • individual differences
  • openness to experience
  • stress


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