Photoassisted Gas-Solid Reactions, Photocatalytic Processes And Endergonic Photoconversions Over Pure And Surface-Doped Metal Oxides

J. Cunningham, E. L. Goold, B. K. Hodnett, E. M. Leahy, G. Al Sayyed

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Experimental results obtained mainly from observations upon chemical changes produced by illumination of Alcohol Vapour-Metal Oxide interfaces are used to illustrate the distinguishing features of: (A) photoassisted reaction between illuminated metal oxide and gaseous reactant, illustrated byx(CH3)2CHOH(g) + Fe2O3 + hv → x(CH3)2CO(g) + xH2O(ads) + Fe2O3-x (B) true heterogeneously photocatalysed reaction, illustrated by continuing steady-state photooxidation of oxygenated alcohol vapour over ZnO or TiO2; and (C) endergonic photoconversion capable of continuously evolving high energy products into the gas phase, illustrated by (CH3)2CHOH(g) → (CH3)2C0 + H2 over illuminated TiO2 powder having small Platinum particles or other surface dopant dispersed thereon.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-290
Number of pages8
JournalStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Issue numberC
Publication statusPublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes


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