Positive health among older Traveller and older homeless adults: A scoping review of life-course and structural determinants

Peter Cush, Kieran Walsh, Brídín Carroll, Diarmuid O’Donovan, Sinead Keogh, Thomas Scharf, Anne MacFarlane, Eamon O’Shea

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Concepts related to positive health in later life are increasingly prevalent within community-based health and social care policy. With a greater emphasis on inclusion health for older populations, there is a critical need to understand the determinants of such states for those most at risk of societal disadvantage. Focusing on two such groups, the aim of this article is to synthesise international research on the life-course and structural determinants of positive subjective health for older homeless people and older Irish Travellers. Two scoping reviews were conducted (one for each group) to capture state-of-the art knowledge published from 1998 to 2020. The reviews were completed from July to December 2018, and repeated from March to April 2020. Thirty-eight publications were included in the final sample (older Travellers: 10 sources; older homeless: 28 sources). Specific life-course and structural factors were evident for both groups, as well as commonalities with respect to: accumulated exclusions; complexity of needs; accommodation adequacy/stability and independence and resilience. Research gaps are identified concerning: lack of conceptualisation of positive health; the application of life-course perspectives and the absence of an environmental gerontological analysis of the situations of both groups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1961-1978
Number of pages18
JournalHealth and Social Care in the Community
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Ageing
  • life course
  • marginalised populations
  • older homeless adults
  • older Travellers
  • positive health
  • structural


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