Post-traumatic growth, illness perceptions and coping in people with acquired brain injury

Carol Rogan, Dónal G. Fortune, Garry Prentice

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Post-traumatic growth is a process by which an individual who has faced a significantly adverse and life-altering event, can show evidence of an ability meaningfully to construe benefits from such adversity. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in a sample of people with acquired brain injury (ABI), the contribution of illness perceptions, distress, disability, and coping strategies and health to post-traumatic growth. Seventy people with an ABI took part in this cross-sectional investigation, comprising 70% males and 30% females. Traumatic brain injury accounted for the majority of brain injuries (56%), with 31% arising from a cerebrovascular accident and the remaining 13% arising from hypoxia, brain tumours, brain abcesses and encephalitis. The average time since injury was 70.43 months (SD = 55.30, range = 7-350). Participants completed assessments comprising post-traumatic growth (Post-traumatic Growth Inventory), beliefs about their condition (Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised), coping strategies (Brief COPE), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and functional disability (Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure). All participants were accessing post-acute brain injury rehabilitation and support services. Results showed that greater levels of post-traumatic growth were associated with greater use of adaptive coping strategies (r=.597), lower levels of distress (r =-.241) and stronger beliefs about treatment-induced controllability of the effects arising from brain injury (r=.263). Greater use of adaptive coping strategies accounted for the greater proportion of the variance in post-traumatic growth (sr 2 = 0.287) and was the only variable found to make a unique and statistically significant contribution to the prediction of growth. Illness perceptions more generally were not significantly associated with growth experiences. This study provides additional evidence of the factors associated with the process of post-traumatic growth, in particular adaptive coping strategies that may help to facilitate growth, although the direction of this relationship requires further empirical investigation. The findings of this study may have implications for professionals providing neurorehabilitation services.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)639-657
Number of pages19
JournalNeuropsychological Rehabilitation
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Acquired brain injury
  • Coping
  • Illness perceptions
  • Post-traumatic growth


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