Preisach analysis of sputtered SmCo thick films

Sina Soltanmohammad, Serguei Belochapkine, F. P. Missell, F. M.F. Rhen

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Here, we present an implementation of the moving Preisach model to describe the magnetic behaviour of Sm-Co films. We use two independent Preisach distributions to separate the magnetization into reversible and irreversible components. The numerical simulation works very well for a system where two magnetic phases are weakly or negligibility coupled. We tested our implementation on nanocrystalline Sm-Co films prepared by sputtering and having composition around Sm25Co75. We found that the Sm 25Co75 film has a soft and hard phase and quantified their contributions to the total magnetization. Using the moving Preisach model, we characterized the properties of the hard phase, which has a coercivity of 1.26 T and contribution of 74 to the total magnetization. The soft magnetic phase contributes 26 to the total magnetization and has a coercivity of 0.056 T.

Original languageEnglish
Article number143901
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2013


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