Prerequisite programs at schools: Diagnosis and economic evaluation

Victor R. Lockis, Adriano G. Cruz, Eduardo H.M. Walter, Jose A.F. Faria, Daniel Granato, Anderson S. Sant'Ana

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this study, 20 Brazilian public schools have been assessed regarding good manufacturing practices and standard sanitation operating procedures implementation. We used a checklist comprised of 10 parts (facilities and installations, water supply, equipments and tools, pest control, waste management, personal hygiene, sanitation, storage, documentation, and training), making a total of 69 questions. The implementing modification cost to the found nonconformities was also determined so that it could work with technical data as a based decision-making prioritization. The average nonconformity percentage at schools concerning to prerequisite program was 36%, from which 66% of them own inadequate installations, 65% waste management, 44% regarding documentation, and 35% water supply and sanitation. The initial estimated cost for changing has been U.S.$24,438 and monthly investments of 1.55% on the currently needed invested values. This would result in U.S.$0.015 increase on each served meal cost over the investment replacement within a year. Thus, we have concluded that such modifications are economically feasible and will be considered on technical requirements when prerequisite program implementation priorities are established.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)213-220
Number of pages8
JournalFoodborne Pathogens and Disease
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2011
Externally publishedYes


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