Promoting well-being among people with early-stage dementia and their family carers through community-based group singing: a phenomenological study

Sophie Lee, Desmond O’Neill, Hilary Moss

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Dementia can negatively impact the well-being of people living with dementia and their family carers. Research suggests that music psychosocial interventions are effective, safe alternatives to pharmacological interventions for the promotion of well-being. However, evidence is limited, and research gaps remain. This study explores how a community-based group singing intervention impacts the well-being of people with early-stage dementia and their family carers. Methods: A phenomenological methodological approach was adopted. Participants engaged in a six-week group singing intervention facilitated by a music therapist in a community arts centre. Semi-structured interviews were conducted (n = 7). Results: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis revealed four superordinate themes: (1) Social Connection; (2) Happiness and Rejuvenation; (3) Reconnection with the Self; and (4) Supporting the Carer–Cared-for Relationship. Conclusions: Evidence of multidimensional enhancement of well-being, absence of adverse effects, and accessibility of this musical medium support the increased provision of community-based singing groups for these populations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-101
Number of pages17
JournalArts and Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Dementia
  • community
  • family carer
  • music
  • well-being


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