Properties of M1-M2-Si-A1-O-N glasses (Ml = La or Nd, M2 = Y or Er)

M. J. Pomeroy, E. Nestor, R. Ramesh, S. Hampshire

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Mixed lanthanide cation oxynitride glasses have been prepared in the Ml - M2 - Si-Al-O-N systems where Ml = La or Nd and M2 = Y or Er. The densities (p), Young's moduli (E), microhardnesses (Hv), glass transition temperatures (Tg), dilatometric softening temperatures (Tdil) and coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of 13 glasses were determined. The molar volume values (MV) calculated from density data, E, Hv, Tg, Tdil and CTE values were all found to vary linearly with the effective cation field strength arising from the Ml and M2 modifier cations. Least squares intercept and slope values are presented which correlate each property to effective cation field strength together with error values which arise from glass and specimen preparation and measurement inconsistencies. These linear correlations clearly indicate that the overall glass structure remains the same for each of the thirteen glasses with only the modifier cation(s) having any influence. This influence appears to be a cross-linking effect, the strength of which increases as the effective cation field strength of the Ml, M2 modifiers increases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2057-2060
Number of pages4
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Issue number213 PART 3
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • Cation field strength
  • Glass transition
  • Oxynitride glasses
  • Rare earth - SiAlON glasses


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