Raman spectroelectrochemical determination of clopyralid in tap water

Martin Perez-Estebanez, William Cheuquepan, Maria Huidobro, Jose Vicente Cuevas, Sheila Hernandez, Aranzazu Heras, Alvaro Colina

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Clopyralid is a common herbicide used all around the world that can be dissolved in the rain stream and accumulate in underground water with the potential threat of reaching drinking water. Many methodologies have been proposed to perform quantitative analysis of this compound but, to this day, no Raman detection of clopyralid has been carried out. Here, a novel methodology to quantify clopyralid, based on Electrochemical Surface Oxidation-Enhanced Raman Scattering (EC-SOERS), is developed, using disposable silver screen-printed electrodes as substrate. The optimization of the electrolytic media is carried out, searching for the conditions where a maximum Raman enhancement is obtained. Moreover, a study about the effect of various interfering compounds, which could be present in water, on the clopyralid Raman response is performed. The results demonstrate that the presented methodology allows the determination of clopyralid in the micromolar range in tap water without any purification or preconcentration step, requiring few minutes to perform the measurement of each sample.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108018
JournalMicrochemical Journal
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Herbicides
  • Raman
  • SERS
  • Spectroelectrochemistry


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