Recent highlights in stationary phase design for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography

Elizabeth Guihen, Jeremy D. Glennon

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


This review examines the most recent innovations made to achieve high performance in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) separations, focusing on the ingenious chemical and physical solutions made to increase the surface area and equip the stationary phase with exploitable selectivity. Among the approaches taken are chemically bonded ligands, etching with chemical bonding, sol-gels, molecularly imprinted polymers, porous layers, physically attached or adsorbed phases, and nanoparticle coatings. Particularly noteworthy are modern developments with macrocyclic receptor ligands, nanoparticles and open channel electrochromatography on-chip.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-81
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Chromatography A
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Chip technology
  • Electrochromatography
  • Molecular imprinting
  • Reviews
  • Stationary phases, electrochromatography


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