Reduced Serological Response to COVID-19 Booster Vaccine is Associated with Reduced B Cell Memory in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease; VARIATION [VAriability in Response in IBD AgainsT SARS-COV-2 ImmunisatiON]

Jayne Doherty, Neil O’Morain, Roisin Stack, Miriam Tosetto, Rosanna Inzitiari, Sophie O’Reilly, Lili Gu, Juliette Sheridan, Garret Cullen, Edel Mc Dermott, Maire Buckley, Gareth Horgan, Hugh Mulcahy, Margaret Walshe, Elizabeth J. Ryan, Virginie Gautier, John Prostko, Edwin Frias, David Daghfal, Peter DoranColm O’Morain, Glen A. Doherty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background and Aims: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] have an attenuated response to initial COVID-19 vaccination. We sought to characterize the impact of IBD and its treatment on responses after the third vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. Methods: This was a prospective multicentre observational study of patients with IBD [n = 202] and healthy controls [HC, n = 92]. Serological response to vaccination was assessed by quantification of anti-spike protein [SP] immunoglobulin [Ig]G levels [anti-SPIgG] and in vitro neutralization of binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 [ACE2]. Peripheral blood B-cell phenotype populations were assessed by flow cytometry. SARS-CoV-2 antigen-specific B-cell responses were assessed in ex vivo culture. Results: Median anti-SP IgG post-third vaccination in our IBD cohort was significantly lower than HCs [7862 vs 19 622 AU/mL, p < 0.001] as was ACE2 binding inhibition [p < 0.001]. IBD patients previously infected with COVID-19 [30%] had similar quantitative antibody response as HCs previously infected with COVID-19 [p = 0.12]. Lowest anti-SP IgG titres and neutralization were seen in IBD patients on anti-tumour necrosis factor [anti-TNF] agents, without prior COVID-19 infection, but all IBD patients show an attenuated vaccine response compared to HCs. Patients with IBD have reduced memory B-cell populations and attenuated B-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 antigens if not previously infected with COVID-19 [p = 0.01]. Higher anti-TNF drug levels and zinc levels <65 ng/ml were associated with significantly lower serological responses. Conclusions: Patients with IBD have an attenuated response to three doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Physicians should consider patients with higher anti-TNF drug levels and/or zinc deficiency as potentially at higher risk of attenuated response to vaccination.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1445-1456
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Crohn's and Colitis
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2023


  • COVID-19 vaccination
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • immune response
  • memory B-cell response


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