Regulatory and technical constraints: An overview of the technical possibilities and regulatory limitations of vehicle telematic data

Kevin McDonnell, Finbarr Murphy, Barry Sheehan, Leandro Masello, German Castignani, Cian Ryan

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


A telematics device is a vehicle instrument that comes preinstalled by the vehicle manufac-turer or can be added later. The device records information about driving behavior, including speed, acceleration, and turning force. When connected to vehicle computers, the device can also provide additional information regarding the mechanical usage and condition of the vehicle. All of this information can be transmitted to a central database via mobile networks. The information provided has led to new services such as Usage Based Insurance (UBI). A range of consultants, industry com-mentators and academics have produced an abundance of projections on how telematics information will allow the introduction of services from personalized insurance, bespoke entertainment and advertise and vehicle energy optimization, particularly for Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper we examine these potential services against a backdrop of nascent regulatory limitations and against the technical capacity of the devices. Using a case study approach, we examine three applications that can use telematics information. We find that the expectations of service providers will be significantly tempered by regulatory and technical hurdles. In our discussion we detail these limitations and suggest a more realistic rollout of ancillary services.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3517
Pages (from-to)-
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2021


  • Connected and autonomous vehicles
  • Intelligent transport systems
  • Regulation
  • Telematics


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